
Senior School girls are tasked with leading the spirit of connection and team-building within their houses – with two Year 12 girls from each house elected as House Captains for:

in honour of St Dominic

in honour of St Catherine of Siena

in honour of Mother Rose Columba Adams

in honour of St Thomas Aquinas

Twilight Sports Day

Opening with Years 6 – 12 participating in traditional marching, the Twilight Sports Day is one of the highlights of the St Dominic’s Priory College calendar year.

This offsite day is open to parents and includes a whole range of fun-filled activities. Ball games and athletics are boosted by team spirit and marching activities, while a Parents & Friends Sausage Sizzle and Coffee Van brings the community together and adds to the day’s vibrant energy.

The day culminates in one of the four houses being awarded the winner trophy, along with medals being handed out to record winners in individual age groups. Friendly competition might be in the air, but the day is all about taking that sense of belonging and community that our houses create – and celebrating this connection.

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