
Futures in focus

We work with our girls to help them achieve rewarding short and long-term futures. This aim is woven into our curriculum, our Pastoral Care and Wellbeing Programs, the social dynamic of our campus and our choice of teaching and support staff.

Preparing students for an evolving world

Technology and innovation are in a state of constant change. As quickly as we adapt to the status quo, it upgrades. So, we focus on giving our girls the skills, knowledge and experience they need to thrive in any situation or workplace.

Essentially, we’re preparing our girls for jobs, technology and problems that don’t exist yet. With this in mind, we look beyond academic learning to its application – empowering girls with the insight they need to apply what they know to new circumstances and experiences. Timeless life skills, like persistence, adaptability and the art of asking good questions help further learning in any situation.   

Employers of today

Increasingly, employers are looking for more than good grades and the right degree. They’re looking for a skillset that will enrich their workplaces and inspire innovation – communication skills, resilience, flexibility, creativity and personal drive. We’re invested in building these qualities in all of our girls, especially in their senior years.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Year 10, 11 and 12 students interested in taking a vocational pathway or gaining extra skills can take this training alongside their South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). It will contribute towards a formal vocational certificate (such as a Certificate I, II or III or partial certificate). Our VET and Careers Coordinator will work with students and families considering this option.

Career development

In their senior years, we place a strong emphasis on preparing our girls to choose and excel in their future careers. Again, our dedicated VET and Careers Coordinator is on-hand to offer guidance and advice as our students navigate these decisions. In addition:

  • Year 10 students complete a Stage 1 Exploring Identities and Futures (previously ‘Personal Learning Plan’) as a formal component of the curriculum. This is followed by Stage 2 Activitating Identities and Futures (previously ‘Research Project’), which is undertaken during Year 11.
  • St Dominic’s Priory College also holds a mini-Careers Expo during Term 2; inviting Tertiary providers and representatives from across a diverse range of industries, to meet 1:1 with Years 9 – 12 students to help guide their senior years’ subject selections and post-school options.
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