St Dominic’s has a rich Arts program offering our Junior School students opportunities to develop their creativity and express themselves artistically in many areas.
The following arts programs are available from the earliest years of our girls’ education.
Students take a weekly specialist music lesson, covering the theory aspect of the discipline and learning percussion. Additionally, each fortnight a specialist singing lesson takes place with our girls, while Year 4 students also take part in a specialist recorder program.
From Year 1, students can select to take part in weekly individual private lessons, to learn either voice, piano, violin or guitar. This is made available to encourage those girls who want to explore their musical side further.
Drama lessons focus on building a more confident on-stage presence and prepare students for whole class showcases and Junior School performances, where they can share what they’ve learnt with a wider audience.
Junior School weekly Art lessons introduce students to prolific artists and the historical context behind their work, while also giving them a chance to develop their own artistic expression and creativity in all kinds of mediums. Arts showcases are held to give our girls a chance to share that creativity with their families and the wider community.
Other Opportunities
There are plenty of other opportunities for our students to shine in the Arts by participating in the Junior Choir for Years 3-5, fortnightly Junior School Assemblies run by each year level, Twilight Assemblies, and Year Level Showcase Presentations with themes including India, Travel Agency, Night of the Notables and our Meet the Author Book Launch.