The invitation that Holy Week brings to each one of us is to open our hearts, – to the God who gave us life, to the Son of God who lived among us and died for us, to the Resurrected Christ whose Spirit is alive in us. Easter calls upon us to respond as individuals and as members of the Christian community.
In this final Bulletin for Term 1:
- Our good wishes and prayers go with a group of students and staff who will leave Adelaide on Friday for a community service and cultural awareness raising trip to Sri Lanka.
The 2017 Gala Day theme is announced. May the coming holidays provide an excellent opportunity to create costumes!
We farewell departing staff and wish them well.
The Year 3 Showcase
As part of the College’s LOTE curriculum, the Reception to Year 5s enjoyed the comical antics of James Liotta and Mario Cicitta from La Comica Variety Productions based in Melbourne, in the performance titled, ‘La Festa’. Year 9 French classes attend the French Film Festival, while Year 11 & 12 French received a presentation from Chef Patrice Ulbrich to complement the unit on food and healthy living.
Secondary Saturday Morning Sports – the Playoff Results are in!
Year 10 Science become crime scene detectives with an immersive Forensics Workshop.
Term 1 will end on Thursday 13 April with NORMAL DISMISSAL. Classes will resume on TUESDAY 2 MAY. Winter Uniform is worn.
The Uniform Shop will be open between 10:30am and 1:30pm on the following dates:
Tuesday 18 April
Wednesday 19 April
Thursday 27 April
Friday 28 April
Saturday 29 April
Monday 1 May (Pupil Free Day) -
Year 7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews are on Wednesday 3 May and Monday 8 May. Book online at:
Registrations are still open for the Girls’ AFL Auskick program, to be held Mondays on the SDPC oval, starting from 8 May. Register Online Here.
Get your 2017 | 2018 Entertainment Book online here and support St. Dominic’s!