Easter Reconciliation and Reflection
The photograph published here is the central image which was part of yesterday’s Reconciliation viz., of Jesus’ Crucifixion symbolised by the cross and the crown of thorns. The new life of resurrection is symbolised by the living plant. At the base of the cross is a large heart shape representing both the love of God for us, and our love for those who are in need. In the spirit of the Caritas Lenten theme, “Love your Neighbour,” it is coin money which is placed all over the heart, symbolising our giving to Project Compassion in 2017.
In today’s Bulletin:
We celebrate those who made the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week
The Social Justice Group have been busy, with the Girls’ Unity Picnic on Saturday March 25, and also last Wednesday’s Project Compassion Street Art initiative
There is News from Year 12.
Year 11 Physics and Specialist Mathematics students explore the potential of STEM careers with Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) hosting a special presentation and screening of ‘Hidden Figures‘
The Year 12 Religion Studies cohort continue their studies of Sacred Spaces with a visit to the Greek Orthodox Church of Archangels Michael and Gabriel
There are important announcements regarding planned absences from school, traffic management, the College Uniform Policy, and the new booking process for the 7-12 Parent Teacher Interviews; scheduled for early next term. More information about some of these matters will be coming home with students’ Term 1 report next week
2017 Fete: Craft Stall Announcement
After an amazing response last year, the Craft Stall team for Fete 2017 are calling on the school community to donate craft items.
Please see inside today’s Bulletin for further details.
Get the Term 1, Week 10 Bulletin online here.