As our students settle in at the start of this new term, our secondary staff are preparing for the first of two Parent-Teacher Interview evenings. The partnership which is forged between family and school in a child’s formative years is a powerful one; built up by these opportunities to meet in person. We hope parents will find their questions clarified and their desire to assist their daughters, fully supported.
Also in Today’s Bulletin:
Information has by now been sent home to parents of Years 3, 5, 7 & 9, regarding the 2017 NAPLAN tests which commence next Tuesday.
Our Year 2 Classroom has been transformed into Antarctica!
If your daughter is in Years R-6 and would like to play AFL, there is still opportunity to register in NAB AFL AusKick after-school sessions, which will be held here at St Dominic’s from Monday 8 May.
There is a report on last term’s SSSSA Athletics Carnival
All you need to know about this year’s Gala Day
The Winter Tuckshop Menu is published.
Get the Week 1, Term 2 Bulletin online here.