Today, students from Reception to Year 12, gathered in the Chapel or the Hall to take their part in the Ash Wednesday Liturgy as we commence the season of Lent. The prayer below, used in the Liturgy, reminds us of one aspect of the symbolism of the ashes.
Dear Friends in Christ, we use these ashes as a mark of our turning towards God. We ask you loving God to bless all
who seek your forgiveness and all who receive the mark of these ashes today. May we keep this Lenten season faithfully
in preparation for the joy of Easter.
Yesterday we gathered to celebrate the investiture of our School Leaders at Mass celebrated by Fr Tony Densley. This was an uplifting experience. How the Christian life can be lived faithfully in our community was the subject addressed by two leaders who reflected very wisely on the readings chosen for this Mass. An extract of their reflections is published in the front page of today’s Bulletin.
Also in today’s Bulletin:
2017 School Leaders are announced
Field Day 2017
The Tuckshop’s Wednesday Lunch Specials for the rest of the term are published
We are grateful for Sonya Ryan’s work with our Year 9s, and the presentation she gave to Year 9 & 10 parents. Visit for vital information on how to keep our young people safe online
There is important information for Year 10, 11 & 12 parents about the MENINGOCOCCAL B VACCINE HERD IMMUNITY STUDY
Help Wanted
The 2017 Sports Day Raffle is on the look out for Prizes
Sign up for the 2017 Sports Day Roster here
Coming Up
- Information has gone home to parents of students who are new to Years 6-10, about the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) Information Night, scheduled for Wednesday March 8th. See inside today’s Bulletin for more information.
- Old Scholars’ Mass is on Sunday 5th March.