Issue 7 of the College Newsletter for Week 4, Term 2 is available online now.
- We invite feedback following the recent Parent Seminars, led by Dr Judith Locke. Click here to participate.
- Reminder: Tickets for the 140 Celebratory Dinner are available online here. Please help us spread the word to Old Scholars and former Staff!
- The College continues its support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal by participating in the annual drive for warm winter clothes/blankets and non-perishable food, and gathering as a whole school community for our annual Vinnies Mass.
- There is updated information about the new before/after school private bus service between Port Adelaide and the College. Tickets are on sale now from the College Office.
- School Photo Day has been rescheduled for Tuesday 11 June. Order Envelopes will be sent home in Week 5.W
- We feature student news, sporting achievements, and reports from the English Faculty, Year 7 Camp, Year 5 cohort, and Director of the Junior School.
All this and more… online now.