Since last week’s letter we have been engaged as large groups in:
The Year 12 2016 High Achievers Assembly
The Year 9 and 10 Parent Teacher information sessions
School excursions, especially the lucky Year 4/5s, to the Women’s Australian Open
Tonight’s first P&F Meeting is coming up, and
Tomorrow Year 6-12 be competing as House Teams, at our Santos Field Day
Our staff are behind the organisation of these events but the presence of parents is what makes them strongly supportive for our school community. As mentioned at Monday night’s Parent Teacher gathering the value of a family’s investment of time and interest in their daughter’s education cannot be overstated.
In connection with the meetings and events of the last week we are publishing a photo of the 2016 students at the High Achievers Assembly. Our SACE and Year 12 Coordinator Greg Larwood presented each student’s profile of achievement with tips from their subject teachers as to why they attained a high grade, while not necessarily starting the year with one. Shanna Lee, Head Prefect 2016, who is this week commencing her studies in Medicine at Adelaide University, held the close attention of her audience at this Assembly. Her talk is well worth the reprint which is in today’s Bulletin.
Also in this week’s Bulletin:
Ahead of tonight’s Parents & Friends meeting, the P&F have launched the 2017 Sports Day Roster. Sign up online here.
The Year 4/5s were lucky VIPs at the Australian Women’s Open (Golf)
There is an important notice regarding the scheduling of holidays during term time
Year 11 student Amy Pham reports back on her recent Student Exchange to France
Help Wanted
The Primary School is still on the look out for additional Coaches for Thursday Night Netball.
Parents are asked to ensure that they collect their daughters promptly upon the conclusion of co-curricular activities (such as Homework Club, Maths Club, Choir & Sporting practices).
The 2017 Sports Day Raffle is on the look out for Prizes
Coming Up
Parents & Friends Meeting 7:30pm TONIGHT in the College Reception Area – All welcome
Tickets ($25) are still available for Sunday’s charity screening of ‘Lion‘ – all proceeds go directly to our outreach efforts in Sri Lanka. Get your tickets from the Accounts Office by Friday. For more information, see the event page here.
Old Scholars’ Mass is on Sunday 5th March. Put this date in your diary now.