Today is International Women’s Day
Thousands of students have been educated at St. Dominic’s, and some of them come each year to the Old Scholars’ Annual Mass and morning tea/lunch. Last Sunday we had once again past students from 70, 60, 50 years ago right up to the 2016 graduates.
Also in today’s Bulletin:
Year 1s have had a busy week, with ‘Aussie Day’ and a visit from the Zoomobile.
Our Year 6 class has taken on the new demands of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) and are adjusting to the rigour and organisational skills that are needed to be successful. They have been buddying with the Year 2 class and, in French, have recently celebrated the festivals of la Chandeleur and Mardi Gras
Help Wanted
The Primary School is still on the look out for additional Coaches for Thursday Night Netball.
Sports Day Notices
Sports Day Raffle Books are coming home on Friday. The proceeds go to sports facilities at St. Dominic’s a worthy cause. Please sign up for jobs on the day if you have not already done so.
The PE Department would be grateful for assistance with judging events and packing up shelters at the end of Sports Day. Please see the back page of the Bulletin for more information.
A Sports Day Convenor Meeting has been scheduled for 7pm Tuesday March 14. Please see inside this week’s Bulletin for more information.