Congratulations to our National Division Winners!!
We are proud to announce that our Year 8 ‘Write a Book in a Day’ Authors have been awarded the National Award for best Middle School entry with their book ‘A Leap of Faith’. 752 teams from 250 schools around Australia took part in this Project, raising $196,000 for Cancer research.
Read ‘Leap of Faith’ and other Division winning entries here.
End of Year Mass
Families are reminded that their RSVPs to End of Year Mass are due back to the College Office no later than Friday 24 November. Seats are limited and tickets may not be guarranteed for RSVPs received after this date.
Financial Information
The 2018 Fee Schedule and Sibling Discount form have been published in today’s Bulletin. Coming home later this week, via eldest daughters, will be the ‘Financial Information 2018’ policy, with more detail.
Tonight’s Parent Meetings – All Welcome
This evening we will wind up a very successful year of 2017 in the hands of our Parent leaders of our two central committees. The Parents and Friends Association and of the Fete Committee. As a community we are indebted to parents who take on such an important community role with the support of you our parent body. We look forward to your company this evening. It is always a sad occasion to farewell those who have travelled the road and whose children are now graduating.
Get the Week 5, Term 4 Bulletin online now.