Welcome to Term 3
Term 3 could certainly be a contender for the most interesting and action packed term in a school year! This week sees a party of Year 11s visit the nation’s capital, the Year 12 Trial Exams begin, and on Friday the Year 2s will be leading our Chapel Mass in the presence of their grandparents. Yesterday we had a visit from two Dominican preachers from the USA who are visiting to work with students in our Dominican schools in understanding the nature of Dominic’s mission and the ways in which his fidelity to the Gospel can be carried out by Dominicans young and otherwise. Do read the article written by our Year 11 Representatives who joined students from Dominican schools in Australia and New Zealand at the conference called, “Common Ground” during the term holidays.
This term will also include the orientation of our Year 8 2019 students, as well as the new Year 7s 2019 as they transition from Parish Primary Schools.
Over the road on the site of our new Year 12 Centre, work is progressing at an excellent rate. The photo shows some of the building committee viewing the interior work. One of the most “High-tech” operations was last week’s installation of fibre optic cable under the road from our new Hill Street site to our current campus.
FETE 2018
Our school community needs assistance as we all bring together a successful 2018 Fete in a year when our new building is drawing on additional funds. Parents new to St. Dominic’s need to be aware that your generous response to every week’s appeal for help will be of enormous value in stocking the wonderful Auction and the stalls which make up our grand Fete. More than that however is our need for people to join the teams of convenors who run each stall and the wonderful Auction.
Please spend a little time reading the FETE and AUCTION overview in this week’s Bulletin, available online here.