Sincere congratulations to the Year 12 class of 2015 and their teachers. This has been an outstanding year!
9% of students achieved an ATAR score of 99 or better
29% of students achieved an ATAR score of 95 or better
48% of students achieved an ATAR score of 90 or better
18 merits were achieved in Biology; Communication Products; English as a Second Language; English Communications; English Studies; Drama; Geography; Health, Recreation and the Community; Mathematical Applications; Mathematical Studies; Physics; Research Project and Society and Culture.
St Dominic’s heartily congratulates the class of 2015 who have achieved outstanding results this year. We are so proud of their hard work and achievements and we thank the teachers who have taught and encouraged these girls over the year.
We offer particular congratulations to Dux of School, Jennifer Huynh, who achieved an ATAR of 99.6 and gained A+ in both Mathematical Studies (Merit winner) and Physics.
Dominique Limgenco gained an ATAR score of 99.4, and also scored three A+ results in Society and Culture, English Studies and Drama. In two of these subjects, Society and Culture and English Studies, Dominique gained merits.
To all of our Year 12 cohort we say, well done! 2015 has been a successful year in which you have shone academically but also in the fine young women that you have become.