ISSUE 5, Week 10 Term 1 of the St Dominic’s Priory College Newsletter is available online now: CLICK HERE
- It is Holy Week, and we mark this sacred time in our calendar with liturgy, reflection and outreach.
- The Junior School have continued their term of celebrating festivities through learning; commemorating St Patrick’s Day with a green-themed fundraiser for Caritas Australia, learning about diversity and wearing orange for Harmony Day, and building upon their growth mindsets with a dedicated day of activities aimed to challenge and enrich the mind, body and heart of our students.
- Junior and Secondary students came together to celebrate Languages Day.
- There is news from Year 11.
- We welcome back our Year 8 campers, featuring a page of photos and reflections of some of the trip’s highlights.
- At St Dominic’s Priory College, we value giving our girls real life experiences in Science – news from the Science Faculty is on page 8
- There has been a lot happening across Junior and Secondary School Sport. Congratulations to all of our athletes and sports participants!
- Parents & Friends Raffle Books have been issued to families. Please ensure these are returned (sold or unsold) by Friday 30 April.
- The final day of Term 1 is Friday 9 April. Students will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.
- Term 1 Holidays Office Closure: please note that the College Office will be closed for the duration of the School holiday period (10-27 April inclusive), to reopen Wednesday 28 April. Limited access to campus may be granted by teaching staff hosting scheduled study sessions. There will be no IT support available during this time.
- Term 2 commences Wednesday 28 April.
- Winter Uniform is to be worn in Term 2 and Term 3. For Uniform Shop enquiries, please contact Campus School & College Wear directly.
- Information pertaining to the upcoming Parent-Teacher Interviews (3 and 11 of May) is released. See page 5 for further details on how to book online.
All this, and more… online now: CLICK HERE