Volleyball Statewide Schools Competition
Round 1 for the Statewide Volleyball Competition for girls aged in Year 7 and 8.
Round 1 for the Statewide Volleyball Competition for girls aged in Year 7 and 8.
The 11 Essential English students will to go to the Adelaide Zoo to collect information for their fable task.
As part of the Women in the Gospel unit, Year 11 students will attend a presentation by Sr Bernadette Kiley, exploring how the Gospels were formed and the significance of …
Ingenuity is an exhibition featuring a range of interactive, STEM-focused activities. It provides an insight into the variety of career opportunities available across architecture and built environment, science, technology, engineering …
Year 10 Science students will walk the a local geological trail in support of the topic they completed on "Geological time". Adelaide University Geology students will accompany the groups to …
Selected students from Years 3-6 will participate in Track and Field events against other Catholic Schools in SA.
An external speaker from Flinders University will be coming to deliver a workshop on mathematical applications in the real-world involving trigonometry and future pathways offered at Flinders University. 9:00 - …
As part of their Inspiring Confidence in Our Journey, Year 8 students will listen to a presentation about maintaining Mental Fitness for better wellbeing.
Students will partake in three STEM workshops focussing on the science of flight, puzzling mathematics, and the engineering design process. They will be exposed to different areas of mathematical learning …
Year 8 students of French will venture outside of the College to follow a series of French directions, ending at a local cafe.
Year 1 students will be travelling by bus to the Big Rocking Horse in Gumeracha as part of an integrated History and Science unit of work. They will climb the …